Friday, January 02, 2009


One-half year hence, semi-retired and “back home”, we wonder where the time has gone and why we can’t seem to write the final chapter of this blog, thereby completing the “Ed and Millie in Romania” journal. Of course, this is a rhetorical query to which we well know the answer(s). We are sentimental and don’t want to let go of the adventure. Turns out we are also terrible procrastinators and have fallen behind! What follows are the bits and pieces of our final exhilarating months in that part of the world. As these appear, we thank you for your interest, your curiosity, your comments and the anticipation that you registered as you so kindly stayed connected with us. We have the best of friends, the best of families, and you give us every reason to come home and to go abroad by turn. What a wonderful world!

1 comment:

David John said...

You lose yourself, you reappear
You suddenly find you got nothing to fear
Alone you stand with nobody near
When a trembling distant voice, unclear
Startles your sleeping ears to hear
That somebody thinks
They really found you.
b. dylan

Thanks for sharing these stories of your adventures in Romania. I've always thought of that part of the world as the "Tennessee" or maybe "Arkansas" of the old Soviet Bloc. Your descriptions and pictures were terrific.

Thanks for plunging yourselves into this new venture. It gave me some measure of inspiration to reinvent my situation on this crazy little sphere we call home.

It is great to have you back in the neighbourhood. I hope we can convert the thought of how easy getting together now is into the reality of sharing more time together.
Maybe we could have a wild and crazy Facebook party sometime soon. We could invite a bunch of our close friends and/or realitives to camp. THey could all bring their laptops. Everyone would go into a different room and we could post stuff on each other's walls.

Maybe not.
